As your birth doula, I will honor your wishes and do my best to assist you in having the birth you desire. I will put my ego to the side, and always have an objective viewpoint. I will open my mind to enable me to assist you in finding your strength and power. I will step back when you need your privacy.
We will have a meeting to see if we are a good match.
We will have 2 prenatal visits to get to know one another and so I can learn your desires for your birth. I can help you with your birth plan if you wish.
I will be available to answer any questions and to share resources.
Also there will be 2 postpartum visits to answer any questions and see how you are doing.
Serving as a doula means being there for the duration of your labor in the following ways:
Emotional Support: Reassure you labor is on track, what to expect next, etc.
Physical Comfort measures: making suggestions such as changing positions, heat or cold packs, etc.
Information resources: I can help to keep you informed on your options and risks and enhance the communication between you and your medical caregivers.
Reassurance and assistance for partners: Emotional support, guidance as to what would be helpful